
Make your own is always best !

I believe in making your own is best,when you can. It is usually cheaper and mostly safer . Here is a list of some items that are easy to make yourself!

Household cleaners (Vinegar etc...)
Candles or wax for burners (Soy or Beeswax)
etc etc etc ...
I will be adding more along with the how to soon.

Then of course the endless list of homemade food ,condiments, desserts, sauces, etc...

Aromatherapy Benifits

Aromatherapy is  using the natural oils extracted from    
flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots .

The inhaled aroma from these "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be  absorbed through the skin, .
A form of alternative medicine, to help with  pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function.

There are a wide number of essential oils available, each with its own healing properties. 

Simplify in Your Life

Your Possessions – Too many material possessions complicate our lives to a greater degree than we ever give them credit. They drain our bank account, our energy, and our attention. They keep us from the ones we love and from living a life based on our values. If you will invest the time to remove nonessential possessions from your life, you will never regret it.

Coping with chronic illnesses

Having a long-term, or chronic, illness can disrupt your life in many ways. You may often be tired and in pain. Your illness might affect your appearance or your physical abilities and independence. You may not be able to work, causing financial problems. For children, chronic illnesses can be frightening, because they may not understand why this is happening to them.
These changes can cause stress, anxiety and anger. If they do, it is important to seek help. A trained counselor can help you develop strategies to regain a feeling of control. Support groups might help, too. You will find that you are not alone, and you may learn some new tips on how to cope.

Messy Bun How to

Messy bun tutorial !!!By: @MissySueBlog
Posted by Vlechten met Daan on Monday, February 15, 2016

10 Reasons To Have a Himalayan Salt Lamp in Every Room of Your Home

How about having a source of fresh and clean air in your room that naturally glows? Can you think of anything that can do this? The answer is the Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp. You can compare it to keeping your window open to fresh air. It can be kept in your living room, on the desk, in your bedroom or anywhere you are going to spend your time.
But before you find out more about the health benefits offered by Himalayan pink salt lamps, it will be best to take some chemistry lesson.

Molecules are the basic building blocks in matter. Matter can be anything – air, water and even our body is matter.

Each molecule itself has atoms, which further has 3 types of particles:

  • Electrons (they are negatively charged)
  • Protons (positively charged)
  • Neutrons (without any charge)
Everyone must have heard about these particles at least once.
The electrons keep revolving around their molecules just like our earth revolves around the sun. Sometimes an electron can get detached from a molecule. This leads to the creation of a positive-charged ion. This ion then keeps looking for an electron to fill up the gap. It is likely to steal away this electron from some other molecule.
Molecular structure comprises of the number of electrons in the molecule’s outermost orbit, the electron bonds and strength. But this structure varies between materials, and some are more likely to lose their electrons.
Now that you have gone through this brief lesson about how negative and positive ions behave, it will be easier for you to understand the top ten benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp.

Herbal Wine pages I found

Do you know what I really love? Wine.
Do you know what I love even more? Herbal wine!
You can drink it without the guilt. After all, herbal wines have been used as medicine for thousands of years dating back to the Ancient Egyptians. Alcohols help to break down the medicinal constituents of herbs and plants which makes them more bio-available to the body.
If you want to make your own herbal wines then pick up a good bottle of wine from your local store, gather all the herbs you need, and then follow the tutorial revealed here…

How To Make Your Own Herbal Wine


Herbal wines
date back thousands of years. Egyptian wine jars have been found with residues of herbs and resins. It makes sense, as we now know that alcohol breaks down the medicinal constituents of plants, making it more bio-available to the body. That’s why we make alcohol extracts as herbal tinctures to deliver botanical chemicals to our body. The famous 12th century German mystic, Hildegard of Bingen, recommended herbal wines such as lung wort wine for emphysema, honey-parsley wine for heart pain, and unsweetened lavender wine for congested liver. Bitters infused in alcohol have been used in Europe for several hundred years. They usually contain bitter herbs that help with digestion by stimulating bile juices. Bitters have also been traditionally added to beer for the same reason.  Angostura Bitters are a famous member of this category and are well-used in hundres of cocktails for a splash of complexity, and to this day only 5 people in the world know the well-kept secret of the herbs used in this special recipe. Though this mixture was hoped to help soldiers in WWI suffering from severe fevers and digestive disorders, it now serves to enliven many of our most special happy hour drinks today. Bitters are usually made with alcohols other than wines, but it might be fun to experiment with bitter herbs when making a more medicinal wine.
There are lots of super tasty concoctions that can be made in your own kitchen. I often make herbal simple syrups to add to gin or vodka drinks for something herbaceous, but it’s really fun to go directly to the source and create an alcoholic beverage that is lively and complex all on its own! This is why going the herbal wine route is worthwhile. Most people can afford a decent white or red wine to start with.
Making Herbal Wines
1. Place Herbs in a bottle (1 oz herbs to 1 pint wine)
2. Pour wine over herbs to fill the bottle (generally a ‘sweeter’ wine w/ about 12% alcohol)
3. Cap tightly and shake well
4. Store in a cool, dark place
5. Shake well every day for 2 weeks
6. Strain herbs.
7. Add sugar or honey to taste (optional), particularly for liqueurs
8. Some liqueurs need maturation time, in which case you might wait a month or more.
NOTE: herbal wines should last about a year. Herbal liqueurs may last longer.

Rose Petal Wine
(Medicinal Uses: for headaches, heart disease, stomach pain & fever)
600 g rose petals (Rugosa preferred), dried and not sprayed
10 liters combination grape juice and young wine OR all young wine
1. Tie rose petals in a small bag & place in a container with the liquids
2. Infuse in a dark place (covered) for 3 months
3. Filter, pour into a sterilized bottle or jar and store again.

Other sources

20$ pizza oven

Natural fragrances

Just saw this on my FB page  thought I would share this here it is from Brightside I love their page

Debbs Yarden

Been looking through my different Blogs looks like I have been neglecting Debbs Yarden .
 Of course I live in Quebec and we are in winter now, so as far as working in my Yardens is impossible !
I will be posting more in this Blog soon .

Grilled Cheese Rolls

for 6 roll-ups:
  • 6 slices very soft, fresh white bread (crusts removed)
  • 6 slices American cheese (such as Kraft singles)
  • butter for “toasting”
  • homemade marinara/spaghetti sauce (or your favorite store bought brand)
Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the crusts from the bread slices. Flatten each slice of bread with a rolling pin until very flat. Place a slice of American cheese on each of the flattened bread slices and roll each of these up into a tight roll. Moosh the edge of the bread to the roll to seal (you can use a couple drops of water to do this if needed.



Mongolian Beef

Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna Rolls | Skinnytaste (re-post)

This recipe is from a blogger I often check out love her stuff (Skinnytaste)

Lasagna rolls stuffed with spinach and cheese, then topped with a creamy
butternut parmesan sauce and baked in the oven with even more cheese –
trust me, you want these in your life!

Last year I fell in love with creamy butternut squash as a pasta sauce and have had this on my mind ever since. Now that the Fall is here it was the perfect time to play around with this idea.

They turned out as good as I could have imagined, even my teen daughter
who is pretty picky loved these! And, they are meatless so they're
perfect for meatless mondays. Use gluten free noodles to make them
gluten free or whole wheat for added whole grain. Enjoy!

Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe (re-post)

Sep 14, 2014

Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe

  • 4 large baking potatoes
  • 8 slices bacon
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (divided)
  • 8 green onions (divided)
Step 1: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Place potatoes onto a baking sheet. Place into the oven and bake for 1 hour. While potatoes are baking, place bacon slices into a large deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat (turning once) until the bacon is crispy. Drain on paper towels. When the bacon has cooled crumble it into small pieces. Set aside.
Step 2: When potatoes are done remove them from the oven and allow them to cool for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes slice the potatoes in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh (leaving about ¼” of the flesh still inside) into a large bowl. Save the skins. Add sour cream, milk, butter, salt, pepper, ½ cup of cheese, ½ of the green onions to the scooped out potato. Mix with a hand mixer until well blended and creamy.  Spoon the mixture into the potatoes skins. Top each with remaining cheese, green onions, and bacon.
Step 3: Place back into the oven and bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.
(Makes 8 Servings)

My dream Living Room !!!

My goal is to get this living room by the end of summer !!! 

Another snowy day


These two boys are my grandsons my daughters  kids , I have 4 more grand kids .from my stepchildren  .Someday if I can get them all together I will post them also .Hopefully soon ☺