
Dec 7, 2016

Five Minute Fudge Wreath

A super easy delicious fudge that has become a holiday tradition!


  • 1- 12 ounce bag semisweet chocolate morsels (12 ounces)
  • 9 ounces peanut butter morsels (3/4 of a 12 ounce bag)
  • 1- 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk *SAVE the empty can!
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 8 ounces chopped nuts of choice (optional)
  • Candied red and green cherries, for garnish (optional)


  1. Place a heavy pot on the stove and pre-heat it over low heat. Add chocolate and peanut butter morsels and milk stir until morsels are melted and milk is combined. *Save the empty condensed milk can.
  2. Stir in the vanilla and remove the fudge from heat. If adding nuts stir in immediately.
  3. Line round cake pan with plastic wrap and lightly coat with cooking spray. Cover the empty condensed milk can with plastic wrap and place in center of cake pan.
  4. Spoon fudge into pan around can, making sure to center the can if it drifts.
  5. The fudge will set up almost immediately. Garnish can only be added in the first minute or two that the fudge is in the pan, so work quickly. Decorate your wreath with “holly” made from cut candied red and green cherries. Sometimes I sprinkle with red and/or green sprinkles as well.
  6. Chill covered in the refrigerator. Remove the can from the center, remove fudge from pan, discard plastic wrap and place on decorative plate, and cover.

Variations: Use mint or butterscotch morsels in place of peanut butter for other flavors.
Rachael Ray


Combat Mold with Essential oils

In addition to removing the source of mold in your home, it is helpful to diffuse essential oils (which accesses the same olfactory neuronal pathway as mold) to clean the air and balance the body.  This is also helpful for mitigating mold outside of the home, like in schools or the workplace.   The following blends are some of my favorites for mitigating mold and fungus.

Mold is known to contribute to inflammatory health conditions, including learning disabilities, gastrointestinal disturbances, heart problems, Cancer, Lyme Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, problems with thyroid regulation (both excess and deficiency), and several autoimmune diseases.

Mold is a bit of a silent killer, hiding in homes, office buildings, hotel room and schools, causing many of us to feel awful, often without really knowing why.
In fact, as many as 30% of us may have a genetic susceptibility to bio toxins like mold, where the immune system fails to recognize the mold as a toxin and cannot flag the toxins or make anti-bodies necessary to clear the mold from the body. This allows the toxins to build up in the body unchecked with symptoms that build with each exposure.
It’s interesting that the olfactory system, the neural pathway for the sense of smell, directly communicates with your brain via your olfactory neurons. This can be a good thing in the case of essential oils, or pose a health challenge in the case of toxins that you might inhale or smell, like mold.
Don’t despair, because just as toxins like mold can cross directly into your brain through the olfactory neurons, so can essential oils.
Essential Oils are a great tool to use to help negate the negative effects of mold by cleaning the mold, cleaning the air and supporting the body’s organs of detoxification.
Learn How to Combat Mold with Essential Oils, 

Nov 28, 2016

The effects of smoking on your body

This is not a pleasant video to watch but I really feel the need to share it !

Herbal Wines

I must try this ! I found many recipes online this is one that I found .
if you have recipes of your own and would like to share them here please add them to the comment area below this post.
 Thank You