

Cigars au Chou - Stuffed Cabbage




  1. With a knife, pare down the central stem at the base of each cabbage leaf.
  2. In a
    large pot of boiling salted water, blanch the cabbage leaves until they
    are tender, about 5 minutes. Plunge into ice water and drain. Set aside.
  3. With the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven to 180 °C (350 °F).
  4. In a
    large skillet, brown the onion and bacon in the oil. Season with salt
    and pepper. Add the garlic and sauté for about 1 minute. Allow to cool
    in a large bowl. Add the meat, rice, salt, mustard, thyme and 500 ml (2
    cups) of tomato sauce. Season with pepper. Blend well with a wooden
    spoon or your hands. Set aside.
  5. Spread the remaining tomato sauce and broth in the bottom of a 33 x 23-cm (13 x 9-inch) baking dish. Set aside.
  6. Take a
    bit of stuffing and shape into a cigar shape. Place in the centre of a
    cabbage leaf, fold the sides toward the centre and roll. Put the cigars
    side by side in the baking dish. Add a slice of bacon on each roll.
    Cover with foil and bake for 1h30 to 2 hours until the cabbage becomes
    fork tender.

  7. Ingrédients 
  9.      Environ 12 grandes feuilles de choux de Savoie
    1 oignon haché
    3 tranches de bacon, finement tranchées
    2 cuillères à soupe (30 ml) d'huile d'olive
    3 ou 4 gousses d'ail, hachées finement
    1 lb (454 g) de boeuf haché maigre
    3/4 tasse (180 ml) de riz à grains longs
    1 cuillère à café (5 ml) de sel
    1 cuillère à café (5 ml) de moutarde sèche
    1/4 cuillère à café (2,5 ml) de thym séché
    3 tasses (750 ml) de sauce tomate
    1/2 tasse (125 ml) de bouillon de boeuf ou de poulet
    8 tranches de bacon
    Moulin à poivre


    Avec un couteau, abattre la tige centrale à la base de chaque feuille de chou.
    Dans un grand pot d'eau salée bouillante, blanchir les feuilles de chou jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tendre, environ 5 minutes. Plongez dans de l'eau glacée et égouttez-les. Mettre de côté.
    Avec la crémaillère en position centrale, préchauffer le four à 180 ° C (350 ° F).
    Dans une grande poêle, faire dorer l'oignon et le bacon dans l'huile. Assaisonnez avec du sel et du poivre. Ajouter l'ail et faire sauter pendant environ 1 minute. Laisser refroidir dans un grand bol. Ajouter la viande, le riz, le sel, la moutarde, le thym et 500 ml (2 tasses) de sauce tomate. Assaisonner avec du poivre. Bien mélanger avec une cuillère en bois ou vos mains. Mettre de côté.
    Faites passer la sauce tomate et le bouillon restants au fond d'un plat de cuisson de 33 x 23 cm (13 x 9 po). Mettre de côté.
    Prenez un peu de farce et de forme dans une forme de cigare. Placez au centre d'une feuille de chou, pliez les côtés vers le centre et roulez. Mettez les cigares côte à côte dans la cuisinière. Ajouter une tranche de bacon sur chaque rouleau. Couvrir avec de la feuille et cuire pendant 1h30 à 2 heures jusqu'à ce que le chou devienne fourche tendre.

My Photo Blog

I started this photo blog a few years back and totally for got about it, I see thier has been many changes since so looks like I need to update !


fallen trees and branches at my brothers

Going to spend this afternoon with Jean Guy clearing the fallen trees and branches at my brothers,
 Be back with pictures  here are some before pics !

Myastania Gravis and Remission

Found this good article on Myastania Gravis disease and the possible remission.I was diagnosed with this disease in 1989 and suffered many symptoms from this disease   I had a Plasmapheresi Procedure done at the time i was diagnosed it was very helpful I also had a thymectomy procedure also .
I have been in Remission for a few years now but feel some of the symptoms coming back.
I am very glad I have read this article I see that is normal and not to worry about it if it does come back as the article says we can live a very normal life if we take care of ourselves. I n writing this post I hope to encourage anyone that is experiencing the same syptoms as I am not to worry.
It will all be ok !


July Flowers

Hi, I took some pictures this morning of some of my flowers. We have been having not so good weather this summer so far, not much sun but lots of rain.I am sure western Canada wishes they had some of our rain they are having major fires!.

Healing Amish Black Salve

Healing Amish Black Salve-The Recipe For The Most Powerful Healing Ointment!:

 The Amish have never used anything made with modern technology. They respect nature, and always use natural remedies. Have you ever heard of the black salve? It’s used in the treatment of inflammation, infections, cysts, and ulcers. Some use it to treat...

The black salve removes impurities and splinters. It doesn’t leave any stains, and you can wash it off with ease. The black salve soothes spider bites, and eliminates toxins, blemishes and dark spots. It’s safe, and even children can use it.
  • 3 tbsp. macerate of comfrey, calendula and plantain (It’s strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing and antioxidant agent)
  • 2 tsp. Shea butter (anti-inflammatory agent, eases penetration)
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil (nourishes and heals)
  • 2 tbsp. beeswax
  • 1 tsp. vitamin E oil (soothes, heals skin)
  • 2 tbsp. activated carbon powder (draws out bacteria and toxins)
  • 2 tbsp. kaolin clay (extracts chemicals and toxins, stir it with wooden or plastic spoon)
  • 2 tbsp. honey (moisturizer, antibacterial agent)
  • 20 drops lavender essential oil (regenerative, pain-relieving agent)
First, prepare your macerate. Chop the plants finely. You can prepare your macerate in two ways. You can either soak the plans in the oil for 4 weeks (seal the jar) or heat the oil and herbs in a double-bottom bowl, and cook on low for an hour. You should get a dark oil with strong smell.
  1. Boil some water, and pour it in a bowl. Put a jar in it, and add in the macerate, Shea utter, coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin E and honey. Stir with a wooden spoon until well dissolved.
  2. Take the jar out, and add in your activated charcoal, kaolin, and lavender essential oil. Stir well.
  3. Transfer the balm into small jars.
  4. Keep your balm in tightly closed containers.


As promised here are my first peonies.
 Very surprised its not raining usually when the bloom it rains!

Summer weather finally

Finally summer weather has made its way to southern Quebec! It has been a long wet and cold spring. Yes its still spring by the calendar I know but usually we get nice weather before this . The lilac have bloomed and are just starting to fade out so I will get and trim back the faded flower heads soon . I see that the peonies are budding I love them they are one of my favorites early summer flowers.
The pool is all ready to be enjoyed by us all in fact my grandsons have already started to swim I am
Jordan and Tyler June 2017
including a picture of them this picture was taken two days ago .As the summer goes by I will be adding more pictures of my flower beds and of course of my grand kids .Family probably some pics of my pets too !