
Mar 10, 2015

Lose Belly Fat

Lose Belly Fat

Magic drink for health and beauty

The grapefruit is known as an antioxidant and its strong antibacterial properties. It is rich in vitamin C, contains vitamins A, B, D, E, and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron.

The magic drink of health and beauty


A big ripe grapefruit
A tablespoon of honey

Cut grapefruit in half, it is preferable that it is cold (out of the refrigerator), and remove the flesh with a spoon. Put the flesh of grapefruit and honey in a blender and blend until the mixture becomes smooth.

This magical drink contains useful as elements:

Pectin, which contributes to the effective elimination of excess cholesterol (if you eat grapefruit every day, it reduces bad cholesterol by 15.5 percent and triglycerides by 27 per cent), it also reduces the level of insulin in the blood and stabilises metabolism.

Lycopene, which helps to fight against toxins and harmful substances in the body.

A few sips of this drink, after lunch (wait 20 minutes after eating), is capable of burning nearly half of calories acquired during the meal.
The magic drink has effects healers on hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
In addition, the grapefruit contains a number of ingredients that help us to combat the cold and there is evidence that it prevents certain types of cancer and heart disease.

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Magic drink for health and beauty

The grapefruit is known as an antioxidant and its strong antibacterial properties. It is rich in vitamin C, contains vitamins A, B, D, E, and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron.

The magic drink of health and beauty


A big ripe grapefruit
A tablespoon of honey

Cut grapefruit in half, it is preferable that it is cold (out of the refrigerator), and remove the flesh with a spoon. Put the flesh of grapefruit and honey in a blender and blend until the mixture becomes smooth.

This magical drink contains useful as elements:

Pectin, which contributes to the effective elimination of excess cholesterol (if you eat grapefruit every day, it reduces bad cholesterol by 15.5 percent and triglycerides by 27 per cent), it also reduces the level of insulin in the blood and stabilises metabolism.

Lycopene, which helps to fight against toxins and harmful substances in the body.

A few sips of this drink, after lunch (wait 20 minutes after eating), is capable of burning nearly half of calories acquired during the meal.
The magic drink has effects healers on hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
In addition, the grapefruit contains a number of ingredients that help us to combat the cold and there is evidence that it prevents certain types of cancer and heart disease.

Learn more about

Apple cider vinegar can improve your health

Five ways apple cider vinegar can improve your health

Have you heard of apple cider vinegar? It has many benefits such as curbing cravings and making you feel full for longer. Try it in this refreshing sparkling beverage

Do cravings derail your efforts to eat healthy? Our hormones cause our cravings because they influence how we feel, what we want, and how fast our body stores fat. When your stomach is empty, it produces a hormone called ghrelin that causes hunger. Think of ghrelin as the gremlin that sabotages your weight loss efforts. If you let yourself go hungry, your cravings will be too intense to resist.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest ingredients you can add to your diet, because of its effect on ghrelin. Acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, has the power to reduce the hunger hormone and help you control your cravings.

You can find my free report “50 Ways to Leave Your Cravings” on my website, and read on here for five remarkable ways that apple cider vinegar improves your health.

1. Apple cider vinegar can aid weight loss: Apple cider vinegar has the ability to delay gastric emptying time. This means that your body will feel fuller for longer and you will not get hungry as quickly. This is a great craving killer that can also improve nutrient absorption for people who are low in specific digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria.

2. It may protect against cardiovascular disease: In recent studies, apple cider vinegar has shown to have the ability to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol and hypertension, without any side effects.

3. Apple cider vinegar is great for diabetics: Apple cider vinegar may slow the release of sugar (from foods) into the bloodstream and avoid dangerous spikes in blood glucose. This lowers your body’s need for insulin and takes the stress off of your pancreas. When your blood sugar is balanced, you are less likely to crave carbohydrates.

4. It helps out your liver: Apple cider vinegar is composed mostly of acetic acid, and acetic acid has been shown to have the ability to protect our liver cells; this research is studying its effect on liver tumours. These trials are still taking place in animal studies, but are showing promising results with minimal side effects.

5. Apple cider vinegar is the ultimate household cleaner:
Apple cider vinegar has anti-viral properties both inside and outside the body. Try switching your old chemical cleaner for apple cider vinegar and water to kill bacteria and viruses that can linger on surfaces. Did you know that lab tests show a vinegar cleaning solution made with household products is more effective in killing the H1N1 virus than many commercial brand cleaners?

Apple cider cocktail

Apple cider vinegar mixed with sparkling water makes a great cocktail. Drink this with meals to support digestion and regulate your blood sugar.

2 tbsp (30 mL) apple cider vinegar
1 tsp (5 mL) maple syrup
2 cups (500 mL) natural sparkling water

1. Add the vinegar and maple syrup to a tall glass.
2. Pour the water into the glass to fill it, and stir until well mixed. Serve over ice if desired.

Apple cider vinegar can improve your health

Five ways apple cider vinegar can improve your health

Have you heard of apple cider vinegar? It has many benefits such as curbing cravings and making you feel full for longer. Try it in this refreshing sparkling beverage

Do cravings derail your efforts to eat healthy? Our hormones cause our cravings because they influence how we feel, what we want, and how fast our body stores fat. When your stomach is empty, it produces a hormone called ghrelin that causes hunger. Think of ghrelin as the gremlin that sabotages your weight loss efforts. If you let yourself go hungry, your cravings will be too intense to resist.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest ingredients you can add to your diet, because of its effect on ghrelin. Acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, has the power to reduce the hunger hormone and help you control your cravings.

You can find my free report “50 Ways to Leave Your Cravings” on my website, and read on here for five remarkable ways that apple cider vinegar improves your health.

1. Apple cider vinegar can aid weight loss: Apple cider vinegar has the ability to delay gastric emptying time. This means that your body will feel fuller for longer and you will not get hungry as quickly. This is a great craving killer that can also improve nutrient absorption for people who are low in specific digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria.

2. It may protect against cardiovascular disease: In recent studies, apple cider vinegar has shown to have the ability to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol and hypertension, without any side effects.

3. Apple cider vinegar is great for diabetics: Apple cider vinegar may slow the release of sugar (from foods) into the bloodstream and avoid dangerous spikes in blood glucose. This lowers your body’s need for insulin and takes the stress off of your pancreas. When your blood sugar is balanced, you are less likely to crave carbohydrates.

4. It helps out your liver: Apple cider vinegar is composed mostly of acetic acid, and acetic acid has been shown to have the ability to protect our liver cells; this research is studying its effect on liver tumours. These trials are still taking place in animal studies, but are showing promising results with minimal side effects.

5. Apple cider vinegar is the ultimate household cleaner:
Apple cider vinegar has anti-viral properties both inside and outside the body. Try switching your old chemical cleaner for apple cider vinegar and water to kill bacteria and viruses that can linger on surfaces. Did you know that lab tests show a vinegar cleaning solution made with household products is more effective in killing the H1N1 virus than many commercial brand cleaners?

Apple cider cocktail

Apple cider vinegar mixed with sparkling water makes a great cocktail. Drink this with meals to support digestion and regulate your blood sugar.

2 tbsp (30 mL) apple cider vinegar
1 tsp (5 mL) maple syrup
2 cups (500 mL) natural sparkling water

1. Add the vinegar and maple syrup to a tall glass.
2. Pour the water into the glass to fill it, and stir until well mixed. Serve over ice if desired.

Mar 7, 2015

How to Make Lilac Perfume at Home

How to Make Lilac Perfume at Home

By Jen Raskin, eHow Contributing Writer
Make Lilac  Perfume at Home
Make Lilac Perfume at Home
Lilacs are a beautiful addition to the garden, producing an abundance of early-spring to mid-summer flowers ranging in color from white to pink to many shades of purple. But whatever the color, lilacs are known for providing a lovely scent that's popular in perfumes. If you enjoy the light, spring-like fragrance of lilacs, you can create your own lilac perfume right at home for a fraction of the cost that you'd pay for a designer scent. With a few ingredients and a simple recipe, you'll be creating lilac perfume straight out of your garden in no time.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need:

  • Lilacs
  • Bowl
  • Plate
  • Distilled water
  • Cheesecloth
  • String
  • Pot
  • Glycerin

  1. Step 1
    Harvest a large bunch of lilacs flowers and remove the stems and leaves.

  2. Step 2
    Line a large bowl with a piece of cheesecloth. Make sure the cheesecloth is big enough so that the edges drape over the sides of the bowl. Place the lilacs on top of the cheesecloth in the bowl and pour 2 cups of distilled water over the lilacs. Make sure the lilacs are completely submerged in the water.

  3. Step 3
    Cover the bowl with a plate and let sit overnight.

  4. Step 4
    Gather the edges of the cheesecloth and bring them together, twisting the cheesecloth into a sachet with the lilacs in the middle. Secure the sachet with a piece of string.

  5. Step 5
    Pour the lilac water into a pot and bring to a simmer. Place the sachet in the simmering water and allow it to cook for about an hour, or until it is reduced by half. Allow the perfume to cool completely.

  6. Step 6
    Pour the perfume into a decorative bottle.

  7. Step 7
    Add 4 drops of glycerin. Secure the lid and shake to combine.

How to Make Lilac Perfume at Home

How to Make Lilac Perfume at Home

By Jen Raskin, eHow Contributing Writer
Make Lilac 
Perfume at Home
Make Lilac Perfume at Home
Lilacs are a beautiful addition to the garden, producing an abundance of early-spring to mid-summer flowers ranging in color from white to pink to many shades of purple. But whatever the color, lilacs are known for providing a lovely scent that's popular in perfumes. If you enjoy the light, spring-like fragrance of lilacs, you can create your own lilac perfume right at home for a fraction of the cost that you'd pay for a designer scent. With a few ingredients and a simple recipe, you'll be creating lilac perfume straight out of your garden in no time.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You'll Need:

  • Lilacs
  • Bowl
  • Plate
  • Distilled water
  • Cheesecloth
  • String
  • Pot
  • Glycerin

  1. Step 1
    Harvest a large bunch of lilacs flowers and remove the stems and leaves.

  2. Step 2
    Line a large bowl with a piece of cheesecloth. Make sure the cheesecloth is big enough so that the edges drape over the sides of the bowl. Place the lilacs on top of the cheesecloth in the bowl and pour 2 cups of distilled water over the lilacs. Make sure the lilacs are completely submerged in the water.

  3. Step 3
    Cover the bowl with a plate and let sit overnight.

  4. Step 4
    Gather the edges of the cheesecloth and bring them together, twisting the cheesecloth into a sachet with the lilacs in the middle. Secure the sachet with a piece of string.

  5. Step 5
    Pour the lilac water into a pot and bring to a simmer. Place the sachet in the simmering water and allow it to cook for about an hour, or until it is reduced by half. Allow the perfume to cool completely.

  6. Step 6
    Pour the perfume into a decorative bottle.

  7. Step 7
    Add 4 drops of glycerin. Secure the lid and shake to combine.

Planting a Midnight Garden

Echinacea coconut lime

Night Scents

Over the years, I have come to appreciate the more subtle floral colors, not for their daytime hues, but for how magical they become after sunset, even in simple starlight. A moonlit garden has a different set of fragrances—some subtle, some pronounced. In the heat of the day, many essences are lost to our senses because the heat evaporates them so quickly. At night, they are considerably more noticeable. Dianthus, which has a lovely, clove-scented fragrance by day, is absolutely delicious at night.
A moonlight garden should have lots of fragrant things to smell, including plants to walk on along the pathways. Creeping thymes, such as caraway and lemon thyme, are good additions. You might not even notice their scents in the daylight, but at night, when your senses are more attuned, you will be aware of the fragrances as you walk.
Shasta daisey

Seeing By Night

I have light-colored gravel pathways in my garden—unremarkable by day; lighted walks by moonlight. In the background, I have a little fish-pond fountain, and the trickling water adds a peaceful backdrop to the allure of the garden.
Plants such as the often-overlooked yucca even change shape after dark. In the daytime, the waxy, cream-colored blossoms hang down like bells. But at night, when the air has cooled, the flowers turn somewhat upward, releasing their scent to attract the moths that pollinate them.
Simpler elements of my garden, such as a light-gray limestone bench, look most inviting by the full moon. During the day, there are often so many interruptions, noises and responsibilities that I seldom get to sit and enjoy my garden. But at night, when the world is quiet and others’ demands on my time have ceased, I like to retreat to my nighttime garden. Many times I’ve sat on the bench with a midnight snack, enjoying the serenity.
Artemisia stelliria

Artemisia Schimidtiana

There are myriad plants to choose from that magically transform themselves from almost invisible in sunlight to glowing performers at night. Any plant you choose with the name ‘Alba’ after it will be white, such as rose campion (Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’), for example, or Dianthus deltoides ‘Alba’. White, yellow and pink hollyhocks shine like subtle beacons, even in starlight. Glowing additions such as the white echinaceas, like ‘White Swan’ and ‘Fragrant Angel’, seem to pop into heightened reality at night. Angel’s trumpets (Datura inoxia), white salvia (Salvia coccinea ‘Snow Nymph’) and Shasta daisies all show up like little walkway lights.
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Planting a Midnight Garden

Echinacea coconut lime

Night Scents

Over the years, I have come to appreciate the more subtle floral colors, not for their daytime hues, but for how magical they become after sunset, even in simple starlight. A moonlit garden has a different set of fragrances—some subtle, some pronounced. In the heat of the day, many essences are lost to our senses because the heat evaporates them so quickly. At night, they are considerably more noticeable. Dianthus, which has a lovely, clove-scented fragrance by day, is absolutely delicious at night.
A moonlight garden should have lots of fragrant things to smell, including plants to walk on along the pathways. Creeping thymes, such as caraway and lemon thyme, are good additions. You might not even notice their scents in the daylight, but at night, when your senses are more attuned, you will be aware of the fragrances as you walk.
Shasta daisey

Seeing By Night

I have light-colored gravel pathways in my garden—unremarkable by day; lighted walks by moonlight. In the background, I have a little fish-pond fountain, and the trickling water adds a peaceful backdrop to the allure of the garden.
Plants such as the often-overlooked yucca even change shape after dark. In the daytime, the waxy, cream-colored blossoms hang down like bells. But at night, when the air has cooled, the flowers turn somewhat upward, releasing their scent to attract the moths that pollinate them.
Simpler elements of my garden, such as a light-gray limestone bench, look most inviting by the full moon. During the day, there are often so many interruptions, noises and responsibilities that I seldom get to sit and enjoy my garden. But at night, when the world is quiet and others’ demands on my time have ceased, I like to retreat to my nighttime garden. Many times I’ve sat on the bench with a midnight snack, enjoying the serenity.
Artemisia stelliria

Artemisia Schimidtiana

There are myriad plants to choose from that magically transform themselves from almost invisible in sunlight to glowing performers at night. Any plant you choose with the name ‘Alba’ after it will be white, such as rose campion (Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’), for example, or Dianthus deltoides ‘Alba’. White, yellow and pink hollyhocks shine like subtle beacons, even in starlight. Glowing additions such as the white echinaceas, like ‘White Swan’ and ‘Fragrant Angel’, seem to pop into heightened reality at night. Angel’s trumpets (Datura inoxia), white salvia (Salvia coccinea ‘Snow Nymph’) and Shasta daisies all show up like little walkway lights.
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pina-colada-cupcakes by

pina-colada-cupcakes by



Found this on Instructables Site

VERTICAL VEGETABLES: "Grow up" in a small garden.

step 1Materials needed
- Hanging pocket shoe organiser /store. - Pole and attachments ( curtain pole or pipe fittings, screws). - Strong metal saucepan or utensil hanging hooks - Compost of a good quality moisture holding type. - Selection of plants or seeds... e.g. mixed leaf salad, herbs,sorrel, peas, mini tomatoes. - Piece of wood 2"x2" as long as the width of the pocket store to k…

step 2Attach pole to shed or wall
I attached a strong chrome pole with metal fittings to the shed. You could use a curtain pole. Make sure it is at the correct height especially if you want to grow plants in a trough below ( see step 7). This uses the surplus water from the pockets above.

step 3Attach hanging shoe store
Use strong hooks or wire to attach the shoe store. They must be strong enough to support the weight of the compost, plants and water.

step 4Test drainage
Pour water into the pockets to check the drainage, if they don't drain then make a few small holes in each of the pockets.

step 5Fill each pocket with compost
Add a good moisture retaining compost, fill to 1" below the rim so that water does not pour out over the rim.

step 6Add plants or seeds
Sow seeds or add seedlings I suggest.... - herbs thyme, sorrel, chives - salad mixed leaf, mustard, cut and come again, or spinach - minibel tomatoes - 'petit pois peas you can eat the young leaflets and tendrils

step 7"Drip Aid"
Use a piece of wood to make sure the excess water drips into the trough below.

step 8Maintaining a healthy hanging veg plot
- Water slowly with a gentle flow, or you may wash soil and plants out of the pocket and it will dirty the crop below. - Add water retaining crystals to the compost. HINT... add water to some crystals in a container and allow them to swell then add that to the compost and fill your containers, otherwise when the crystals swell they can grow so much that they push…

step 9Develop the idea
- NEXT I would like ... -to hang up more shoe stores and pocket organisers, to increase the harvest. Could it become addictive??? will I end up covering every available wall? - try out different vegetables and herbs - add an automatic drip watering system.



Found this on Instructables Site

VERTICAL VEGETABLES: "Grow up" in a small garden.

step 1Materials needed
- Hanging pocket shoe organiser /store. - Pole and attachments ( curtain pole or pipe fittings, screws). - Strong metal saucepan or utensil hanging hooks - Compost of a good quality moisture holding type. - Selection of plants or seeds... e.g. mixed leaf salad, herbs,sorrel, peas, mini tomatoes. - Piece of wood 2"x2" as long as the width of the pocket store to k…

step 2Attach pole to shed or wall
I attached a strong chrome pole with metal fittings to the shed. You could use a curtain pole. Make sure it is at the correct height especially if you want to grow plants in a trough below ( see step 7). This uses the surplus water from the pockets above.

step 3Attach hanging shoe store
Use strong hooks or wire to attach the shoe store. They must be strong enough to support the weight of the compost, plants and water.

step 4Test drainage
Pour water into the pockets to check the drainage, if they don't drain then make a few small holes in each of the pockets.

step 5Fill each pocket with compost
Add a good moisture retaining compost, fill to 1" below the rim so that water does not pour out over the rim.

step 6Add plants or seeds
Sow seeds or add seedlings I suggest.... - herbs thyme, sorrel, chives - salad mixed leaf, mustard, cut and come again, or spinach - minibel tomatoes - 'petit pois peas you can eat the young leaflets and tendrils

step 7"Drip Aid"
Use a piece of wood to make sure the excess water drips into the trough below.

step 8Maintaining a healthy hanging veg plot
- Water slowly with a gentle flow, or you may wash soil and plants out of the pocket and it will dirty the crop below. - Add water retaining crystals to the compost. HINT... add water to some crystals in a container and allow them to swell then add that to the compost and fill your containers, otherwise when the crystals swell they can grow so much that they push…

step 9Develop the idea
- NEXT I would like ... -to hang up more shoe stores and pocket organisers, to increase the harvest. Could it become addictive??? will I end up covering every available wall? - try out different vegetables and herbs - add an automatic drip watering system.