
Mar 17, 2018

Raised Garden Beds

Best time ever to plan and even make your raised gardens so many ways to make and design them.
I suggest lining them with some sort of plastic on the sides . Like maybe a water garden pond liner or maybe you can find someone that is throwing out their torn swimming pool liner.
Of course you should not line the bottom of the beds .
Here are some examples of beds I found .

Mar 13, 2018

Gardening Spring/Summer 2018

As I watch the snow melt here in Quebec, I can't help but dream about the good weather that's coming! Along with good weather comes gardens , I do not have tons of sunny spaces at my home but I do have some . I always plan on making the most of my small space .I look for plants that are the most profitable to grow for us .Face it carrots ,radishes etc... are a waste of space for me and for many people .But they are fun to grow I know.  So if you have room for them great and it is always fun to have your kids watch them grow since they come up so fast .
Anyways in my case Tomatoes ,Bell peppers , Beets. and of course Herbs. are my priority .Though the herbs can always be added to containers. or mixed in with the flower beds (which I will come back with at another time).
Hopefully we will have time this year to make raised beds . 60 this year lol it will be appreciated! (that to I will post about soon) not the 60 part haha!
So until then I can only dream and watch the snow melts .

Feb 2, 2018

Helpful Hints
The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once!
Keep brown sugar soft by storing with a couple of marshmallows
Install a regular coat rack low down the wall to store shoes safely off the floor
Use a magnetic strip to store bobby pins on inside of a cupboard.
...Or store them in an empty Tic-Tac dispenser!
Use a Post-It note when drilling to catch the dust