
Oct 5, 2016

Vitamin B17: The Biggest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer

 I just came across this article , thought it was interesting  but like many of these claims I just am not sure to believe it or not , But I will post it just the same .

Vitamin B17: The Biggest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer: We are lucky enough to live in a modern world and have access to numerous studies and awesome medical reveals. But, we have not found a cure for the modern plague – cancer. Conventional cancer treatments harm the body, and may even cause death. However,...

This weeks pictures

Oct 3, 2016

Fall is showing its colors

Fall what a beautiful time of the year here in Quebec . The colorful leaves are stunning only problem
for me anyways is it doesn't last long enough then the dreaded Winter comes but I always get through winter like it or not .Then my favorite season of all arrives SPRING .

These photos are from around my home , and the leaves are just starting to turn color in a week they should be a lot brighter .