
Feb 17, 2016

Coping with chronic illnesses

Having a long-term, or chronic, illness can disrupt your life in many ways. You may often be tired and in pain. Your illness might affect your appearance or your physical abilities and independence. You may not be able to work, causing financial problems. For children, chronic illnesses can be frightening, because they may not understand why this is happening to them.
These changes can cause stress, anxiety and anger. If they do, it is important to seek help. A trained counselor can help you develop strategies to regain a feeling of control. Support groups might help, too. You will find that you are not alone, and you may learn some new tips on how to cope.

Feb 16, 2016

Messy Bun How to

Messy bun tutorial !!!By: @MissySueBlog
Posted by Vlechten met Daan on Monday, February 15, 2016

Feb 9, 2016

10 Reasons To Have a Himalayan Salt Lamp in Every Room of Your Home

How about having a source of fresh and clean air in your room that naturally glows? Can you think of anything that can do this? The answer is the Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp. You can compare it to keeping your window open to fresh air. It can be kept in your living room, on the desk, in your bedroom or anywhere you are going to spend your time.
But before you find out more about the health benefits offered by Himalayan pink salt lamps, it will be best to take some chemistry lesson.

Molecules are the basic building blocks in matter. Matter can be anything – air, water and even our body is matter.

Each molecule itself has atoms, which further has 3 types of particles:

  • Electrons (they are negatively charged)
  • Protons (positively charged)
  • Neutrons (without any charge)
Everyone must have heard about these particles at least once.
The electrons keep revolving around their molecules just like our earth revolves around the sun. Sometimes an electron can get detached from a molecule. This leads to the creation of a positive-charged ion. This ion then keeps looking for an electron to fill up the gap. It is likely to steal away this electron from some other molecule.
Molecular structure comprises of the number of electrons in the molecule’s outermost orbit, the electron bonds and strength. But this structure varies between materials, and some are more likely to lose their electrons.
Now that you have gone through this brief lesson about how negative and positive ions behave, it will be easier for you to understand the top ten benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp.