
Feb 19, 2014

Misc... pics for fun

Beautiful garden

Beautiful garden


quelques branches d'eucalyptus, eux accroché sous la douche et w o w. Chaque fois que vous prenez une douche, l'air chaud torride s'ouvre à l'eucalyptus et remplit la salle de bain avec la grande propre odeur de la plante...
some eucalyptus branches,  hung under the shower and w o w. Whenever you take a shower, steamy hot air opens with eucalyptus and fills the bathroom with a great clean smell of the plant...


quelques branches d'eucalyptus, eux accroché sous la douche et w o w. Chaque fois que vous prenez une douche, l'air chaud torride s'ouvre à l'eucalyptus et remplit la salle de bain avec la grande propre odeur de la plante...
some eucalyptus branches,  hung under the shower and w o w. Whenever you take a shower, steamy hot air opens with eucalyptus and fills the bathroom with a great clean smell of the plant...

Feb 5, 2014

natural bronchitis remedies

Bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi, which are passages to the lungs. There are many natural bronchitis remedies which work better than antibiotics, which recent studies have shown not to be effective for many upper respiratory infections. Try a natural bronchitis remedy to boost the immune system espcially if you need a chronic bronchitis treatment.
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      A high dose of vitamin C has been shown in studies to work well in curing upper respiratory infections, especially in elderly people.
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      Apply heat to the chest for up to twenty minutes twice a day to increase healing and circulation in the chest.
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      Try making a mustard pack with one part dry mustard, three parts flour, and a small amount of water to make a paste. Spread into a thin cotton material, such as a dishcloth, pillowcase or cheese cloth. Place on the check for no more than ten or fifteen minutes. Use caution, mustard can cause severe irritation and blistering to the skin.
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      tea and soup are natural bronchitis remedies
      The age old natural bronchitis remedy is to drink a lot of fluids such as water, herbal tea, and freshly made soups.
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      Zinc lozenges can be helpful, every few hours for up to one week.
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      Bromelain is an enzyme that is contained in pineapple, especially in the core and is an excellent bronchitis treatment. Eat the pineapple and juice the core if possible. Pineapple is the perfect chronic bronchitis treatment.