
Jan 20, 2014

Foods to Improve Blood Circulation

"Proper circulation is essential for adequate oxygen delivery to the cells, and for removal of carbon dioxide and various waste products from the body.
Circulation problems can involve such symptoms as:
- tingling and numbness (also known as Neuropathy)
- fatigue
- brain fog
– poor memory
- cold hands and feet
- leg pain when walking
- shortness of breath
- lack of energy
- irregular heart beat
- hemorroids
- dizziness when standing or rising quickly
- swollen ankles and legs
- poor and/or slow healing of wounds and bruises."


Foods to Improve Blood Circulation

"Proper circulation is essential for adequate oxygen delivery to the cells, and for removal of carbon dioxide and various waste products from the body.
Circulation problems can involve such symptoms as:
- tingling and numbness (also known as Neuropathy)
- fatigue
- brain fog
– poor memory
- cold hands and feet
- leg pain when walking
- shortness of breath
- lack of energy
- irregular heart beat
- hemorroids
- dizziness when standing or rising quickly
- swollen ankles and legs
- poor and/or slow healing of wounds and bruises."


Jan 19, 2014

Grilled Cheese Rolls Recipe

Grilled Cheese Rolls

for 6 roll-ups:
  • 6 slices very soft, fresh white bread (crusts removed)
  • 6 slices American cheese (such as Kraft singles)
  • butter for “toasting”
  • homemade marinara/spaghetti sauce (or your favorite store bought brand)
Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the crusts from the bread slices. Flatten each slice of bread with a rolling pin until very flat. Place a slice of American cheese on each of the flattened bread slices and roll each of these up into a tight roll. Moosh the edge of the bread to the roll to seal (you can use a couple drops of water to do this if needed.)