
Oct 2, 2011

10 best nutrition tips you've ever heard

Mama always said to eat a nutritious breakfast everyday.
Mama always said to eat a nutritious breakfast everyday.

There's nothing like a great piece of advice - delivered by someone wise - that you can swear by for the rest of your life. As I was sitting at my desk at 10am this morning, stomach growling , I thought about how my mother imparted some golden nutrition advice to me when I was young: always eat a nutritious breakfast. Though I heed that warning most days, when I don't (and I sometimes do rush out with only a piece of toast) I truly pay. I'm hungry early on, my brain feels like it can't function at full capacity, and I want to put my head down and take a nap.
Check out what our Twitter and Facebook friends said the best nutrition tip they ever received was. It's all such great advice, guaranteed to make us better eaters.
From @canadian_living Twitter followers:
1. "Everything in moderation." That one is key for me. - @cookincanuck
2. Eat just a little bit of everything. - @CBCTempo
3. Stick to the perimeter of the supermarket! - @BrettCanLiving
and from Canadian Living's Facebook friends:
4. Step away from the candy. - Tammi Jones
5. Read the label!!! - Cat Libbey
6. Imagine you are a fruit, nuts, seeds and berries. - Cat Turner
7. When you eat frequent small meals, there's always another meal around the corner. - Colleen Tully, web food editor at
8. Cut out white sugar and processed foods. - Terri Wong
9. Eat only until you feel 3/4 full then stop, because it takes your stomach about 15 to 20 minutes to signal the brain that it is full. If you keep eating during those extra minutes you will feel uncomfortably stuffed and you will have overeaten and/or taken in too many calories at one sitting. Try it! It works. - Cathie Cowgill
10. Before having a snack, think to yourself "Am I really hungry or just bored". - Janice Rafuse-Crowe
Now it's your turn to tell us: What's the best nutrition advice you've ever received?