
Apr 1, 2011

Strawberries for weight loss

Taken from EatenWell

As spring nudges its way forward, some of us are left with an unpleasant souvenir of winter—an extra “layer.” Though that winter coat might have kept us warm through the long, cold season, by spring it’s time to shed the padding. The good news is many springtime foods promote weight loss naturally, and not just because they’re lighter than those hearty winter dishes. Here are my top picks for spring foods to help you slim down.
Don't Miss: 28-Day Meal Plan for a Slimmer You
Strawberries’ fiber content makes them a good choice for weight loss. A two-year study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that people who ate 8 extra grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories per day lost about 4 1/2 pounds. (Women who decreased their fiber intake actually gained weight.) One cup of strawberries has a respectable 3 grams of fiber and more than a full day’s recommended dose of vitamin C—an antioxidant that helps keep skin healthy.
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Strawberries for weight loss

Taken from EatenWell

As spring nudges its way forward, some of us are left with an unpleasant souvenir of winter—an extra “layer.” Though that winter coat might have kept us warm through the long, cold season, by spring it’s time to shed the padding. The good news is many springtime foods promote weight loss naturally, and not just because they’re lighter than those hearty winter dishes. Here are my top picks for spring foods to help you slim down.
Don't Miss: 28-Day Meal Plan for a Slimmer You
Strawberries’ fiber content makes them a good choice for weight loss. A two-year study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that people who ate 8 extra grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories per day lost about 4 1/2 pounds. (Women who decreased their fiber intake actually gained weight.) One cup of strawberries has a respectable 3 grams of fiber and more than a full day’s recommended dose of vitamin C—an antioxidant that helps keep skin healthy.
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7 Foods That Do the Weight-Loss Work for You

Want to lose weight? Try increasing your daily fiber intake in the form of nutrient-rich high-fiber foods. Why fiber? Recent research in the Journal of Nutrition suggests eating more fiber as a way to prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss. Over the course of the two-year study, the researchers found that boosting fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories resulted in about 4 ½ pounds of weight lost.
Try it for yourself. If you’re consuming 2,000 calories per day, aim to increase your fiber by 16 grams.
Here are 7 fiber-rich foods that help do the weight-loss work for you »

Taken from (EatenWell)
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