
Feb 6, 2011

Non Alcoholic Drink Recipes

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Non Alcoholic Drink Recipes

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Non Alcoholic Drink Recipes

MedovukhaImage via Wikipedia

These old-fashioned, non alcoholic drink recipes are taken from Mom's old recipe scrapbook, circa 1929.


Stick cinnamon, 1 inch; blanched almonds, 1/4 pound; rich milk or light cream, 1 quart; rose water, 1 tablespoonful; sugar to taste. Crunch cinnamon stick and almonds with a rolling pin. Add to milk or cream. Sweeten to taste. Place in top of double boiler and bring slowly to boiling point; strain through a fine sieve. Chill and serve in small cups or tumblers as an afternoon beverage. Deep Southerners still favor this old Colonial beverage.

Chocolate Peppermint

Cocoa, 3 tablespoonfuls; sugar, 1/3 cup; boiling water, 3 tablespoonfuls; chilled milk, 6 cups; peppermint extract, 1/2 teaspoonful; 6 mint sprigs. Blend cocoa and sugar together; add boiling water, and stir until smooth. Add milk and extract; beat until well blended. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves. A favorite with youngsters of all ages.

Milk of Almonds

Almonds, 1 pound; sugar, 1 cup; boiling water, 2 quarts; almond flavoring, 2 tablespoonfuls. Blanch almonds in boiling water, and remove skins. Allow to dry thoroughly and pound until fine in mortar, a few at a time, or grind fine in nut grinder. Combine almonds, sugar, and water. Bring to boiling point and simmer 20 to 30 minutes. Strain into pitcher and cool. Stir in almond flavoring. Cover and chill thoroughly. Makes 2 quarts. Dilute with water to taste, and serve chilled. (Add brandy if desired.)

Mexico, Europe, and the Middle East all claim this delicious milk, but its origins are so ancient that the dispute will likely never be solved. Simply enjoy it!

Non Alcoholic Drink Recipes

These popular non alcoholic drink recipes are taken from the book "Lee's Priceless Recipes: A Valuable Collection of Tried Formulas and Simple Methods, Etc." by Dr. N. T. Oliver, published by Laird & Lee, Chicago, circa 1895.

These non alcoholic beverage recipes are very easy to make, and the drinks are delicious.

Strawberry Cordial

One quart strawberries (fully ripe), 1 lemon, 1 orange, 3 pints water, 1 pound sifted sugar; mash the strawberries through a sieve; add juice of lemon and orange and the water, and work together; let stand 2 hours; put the sugar into a bowl and strain the juice over it, stirring till sugar is dissolved; stand on ice before serving; a delicious drink.

Rhubarb Sherbet

Boil in 3 pints water 6 or 8 green stalks rhubarb and 4 ounces raisins or figs; when the water has boiled 1/2 hour, strain and mix it with 1 teaspoonful rose water, and orange or lemon syrup to taste. Drink it cold.

Pomegranate Drink

4 pomegranates, 1/2 pound of pounded loaf sugar, 1 pint of water, the juice of 2 limes. Put the red pips of the fruit into a basin with the sugar, bruise all together, pour over the water, then the lime juice, and strain several times through muslin.


A good orange, a few drops of essence of cloves, ditto peppermint, 3 or 4 lumps of sugar, a tumblerful of ice.

Lime Juice Drink

Fresh lime, ice water, loaf sugar, a little liqueur. Squeeze the juice from the limes, strain it, and add pounded sugar to taste, and a little flavoring of liqueur, if liked. Put a little of this mixture in a glass, and fill up with water. All the cups, such as champagne and claret cup, are improved by the introduction of slices of fresh fruit, such as apricots or pineapple.

Welsh Nectar

One pound of raisins, 3 lemons, 2 pounds of loaf sugar, 2 gallons of boiling water. Cut the peel of the lemon very thin, pour upon it the boiling water, and, when cool, add the strained juice of the lemons, the sugar, and the raisins, stoned and chopped very fine. Let it stand for a few hours, stir, then strain it through a jelly bag and bottle it for present use.

Cream Mead Recipe

This non alcoholic drink recipe is taken from "The Inglenook Cook Book: Choice Recipes Contributed by Sisters of the Brethren Church Subscribers and Friends of the Inglenook Magazine" published by Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, Illinois, in 1909.

Take 3 pounds of soft sugar dissolved in 1 quart of water, whites of 3 eggs beaten stiff, 1-1/2 ounces of tartaric acid, dissolved in 3/4 of a pint of water, and flavor with oil of lemon. --Sister Jennie Brown, Whitewater, Ind.

Use pasteurized egg products to avoid the risk of egg-related Salmonellosis.

Non Alcoholic Drink Recipes

These old-time non alcoholic drink recipes are taken from the "Second Edition of The Neighborhood Cookbook" published by the Council of Jewish Women, Portland, in 1914.

Maraschino Lemonade

The juice of four lemons, twelve tablespoons sugar, eight cups water, one cup maraschino syrup, and a few cherries.

Southern Tea

Make tea in usual fashion except that you add two whole cloves to each cup of tea before brewing. Strain, and while still hot add sugar and lemon to taste. Pour through cheese-cloth. Before serving put in each glass crushed ice, two or three sprigs of mint, which should be slightly bruised, and a maraschino cherry, and also a very thin slice of lemon with rind left on.

Unfermented Wine Recipe

This non alcoholic drink recipe is taken from the book "Dr. Chase's Third, Last and Complete Receipt Book, Memorial Edition" by Dr. Alvin Wood Chase, M.D., published by F. B. Dickerson Company, Detroit and Windsor, in 1891.

The juice of grapes, blackberries, raspberries, etc., pressed out without mashing the seeds, adding water, 1 pint, and sugar, 1/2 pound for each pint of the juice; then boil a few minutes, skimming if any sediment or scum rises, and bottling while hot, corking tightly, cutting off the corks, and dipping the tops into wax, and keeping in a dry, cool place, gives a wine that no one would object to, if iced when drank.

Remarks. --They are nourishing, satisfying to the thirst, and not intoxicating, because there has been no fermentation. Made of grapes, this wine is in every way suitable for Communion. --Dr. Chase

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