
Sep 1, 2010

Stevia Syrup and Sweetener recipes

Stevia rebaudiana flowersImage via Wikipedia Stevia  Syrup
• 1/4 cup fresh stevia leaves
• 1 cup warm water
1. Pour one cup of warm water over gently bruised stevia leaves. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours and then refrigerate. (A teaspoon of ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C powder, may be added as a preservative.)
Stevia  Sweetener
• 1 tablespoon dried stevia leaves
• 1 quart boiling water
1. Pour boiling water over leaves and allow infusion. Freeze the mixture in ice cube trays for future use.
2. This mixture can also be refrigerated, but then it must be used within a few days.
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Stevia Syrup and Sweetener recipes

Stevia rebaudiana flowersImage via Wikipedia Stevia  Syrup
• 1/4 cup fresh stevia leaves
• 1 cup warm water
1. Pour one cup of warm water over gently bruised stevia leaves. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours and then refrigerate. (A teaspoon of ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C powder, may be added as a preservative.)
Stevia  Sweetener
• 1 tablespoon dried stevia leaves
• 1 quart boiling water
1. Pour boiling water over leaves and allow infusion. Freeze the mixture in ice cube trays for future use.
2. This mixture can also be refrigerated, but then it must be used within a few days.
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Elderberries: Grow, Cook, Heal with Elder

By Margie Gibson

Taken from Herb Companion Newsletter

Certain flavors, like scents, can simply transport you. Shortly after I moved to Bavaria, I settled in at a window table in a restaurant in southern Germany with a glass of golden Sekt sparkling wine. A splash of elderflower syrup had been added, and each sip sparked memories of my childhood: gathering elder blossoms with my grandmother on an early summer day in the hills of central Missouri … sitting next to my grandfather at the table, digging into a plate of warm elderflower pancakes … cutting clusters of shiny, black-purple elderberries in early autumn to make delicious syrup for winter.
Throughout the Werdenfelser region of Bavaria, elder bushes herald the arrival of summer with saucer-sized clusters of lacy white flowers. It’s impossible to miss the plants—they can be found in the centers of towns, as well as in surrounding meadows and pastures. The umbels of tiny, five-petaled flowers produce a subtle but unmistakable scent. When the berries begin to form several weeks later, the delicate white blossoms drift softly to the ground like snowflakes. By early autumn, the shrubs are covered with heavy clusters of nutritious, black-purple berries.
The elder is by no means unique to Germany. It is indigenous to broad stretches of the Northern Hemisphere—from North America, Europe and Asia, and into North Africa along the Mediterranean coast. In North America, the native species is Sambucus canadensis, commonly called American elder; its European relative is S. nigra, know as European elder or black elder. Although both have served as a medicine chest for millennia, you’ll find elder’s flavor reason enough to hunt down a shrub for making delicious treats with its berries and blossoms. Don’t want to walk a country mile for your elder? This shrub is easy to grow and lovely in the landscape.
Elder Recipes:
Elderflower Liqueur
Elderflower Syrup
Elderberry Soup with Semolina Dumplings
Online Exclusive Recipes:
Elderberry-Plum Sauce
Elderflower Pancakes

Elder Medicine

The entire elder plant—flowers, bark, berries and leaves—has sustained generations as a source of food and medicine. Archaeologists found elder seeds in a Neolithic dwelling in Switzerland, and European villagers have planted the shrubs close to their homes for many centuries. Throughout North America, the plant was highly prized by native tribes, who ate the dried berries as a winter staple and used the twigs and fruit in basketry and the branches to make arrows and musical instruments. Native Americans also used elderflowers and berries to treat colds, joint pain, fever, skin problems and more.
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