
Baking soda a quit smoking aid

Put one tablespoon of baking soda and mix it in a glass of water. Mix until the baking soda is completely dissolved in the water.
Each time you need to smoke, rinse your mouth with this mixture.

Make our own ziplock popsicles

These are really cool I will be getting some for the grand kids for sure .
 Good for juice or yogurt

Asclepias tuberosa'

Sharing forward from the Perennial Plant Association: 'Asclepias tuberosa'
(aka Butterfly Weed or Pleurisy Root)
Chosen as the 2017 Perennial Plant of the Year!
"Commonly known as butterfly weed, this long-lived and striking perennial is native to the continental United States (except for the northeast) along with the Canadian provinces Ontario and Quebec. With vibrant orange/red/yellow flowers that seem to jump out, butterfly weed is a great addition to a sunny garden with average to dry soils. As the common name suggests, these plants are butterfly magnets.
They also have a medicinal history as treatment for pleurisy, a common ailment in early colonial times, causing wheezing, coughing and great pain due to the inflammation of the pleura round the lungs. Asclepias tuberosa reportedly was so effective in treating this ailment it earned another common name, pleurisy root.

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Perennial Plant of the Year™
2017 Perennial Plant of the Year™ Asclepias tuberosa - butterfly weed With all the ”buzz” about bees and butterflies, why not celebrate an...

Cuba's Colorful Cars

10 Plants that Attract Positive Energies

Post copied from (
Plants are usually grown to decorate homes and offices. But, they are a lot more than just a few ornaments.
Some of them can bring positive energy in your home, filter the air, and provide a feeling of peace, relaxation, wellbeing and joy. Get rid of bad energy to reduce stress, improve your overall health and enjoy life.

We give you the top 12 plants that will change the energy in your home:
  • Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)
It has been used in Asia for millennia, because it is the symbol of prosperity and good fortune. According to Feng Shui, the vertical Lucky Bamboo represents the element ‘wood,’ which is important for your vitality, life energy, and physical activity. The Lucky Bamboo is a low-maintenance plant, meaning it will grow good in a shaded corner. It does not like direct sunlight definitely. So, keep it in a glass bowl that is about an inch filled with water. Always use purified or distilled water.
  • Jasmine
Its pleasant smell reduces stress and good energy. Some say it has helped them be more romantic and strengthen their relationship. Keep your jasmine near the window that faces south. If you grow it in your garden, plant it in the north, east or northeast part of it.
  •  Rosemary
It filters harmful toxins and provides physical and mental goodness. Rosemary scent improves mood, relieves anxiety, treats insomnia, reduces fatigue and strengthens memory. Keep a few rosemary shrubs in your home to reach for your inner calmness. Keep it exposed in direct sunlight, and do not water it too much.
  • Chrysanthemum
It has amazing healing properties. The chrysanthemum plant will give you purity and honesty. It filters air and removes toxins. The flower is a symbol of longevity and wellbeing. Keep it in that part of your home that is full of tension, and you will soon notice how tranquility floats over you.
  • Aloe vera
It is a succulent plant that releases positive energy, diminishes bad vibes, heals and makes you happy. Water it regularly, and keep it exposed to indirect sunlight or artificial light. Plant it in a fitting pot with a proper drainage.
  • Peace Lily
Peace Lily provides spiritual, mental and physical power. It purifies air and neutralizes indoor gasses, which contributes to a better energy flow. The plant will bring you tranquility and good sleep. Keep it in a darker place, preferably in your office or some corner in your house.
  • Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)
It has been used in Asia for millennia, because it is the symbol of prosperity and good fortune. According to Feng Shui, the vertical Lucky Bamboo represents the element ‘wood,’ which is

important for your vitality, life energy, and physical activity. The Lucky Bamboo is a low-maintenance plant, meaning it will grow good in a shaded corner. It does not like direct sunlight definitely. So, keep it in a glass bowl that is about an inch filled with water. Always use purified or distilled water.
  • Areca palm
It filters air, removes toxins and provides a pure and positive environment. Areca palm leaves have the capacity to soften the energy in the room they grow.
  • English Ivy
It is one of the most amazing air-purifying houseplants, which means it eliminates airborne toxins and leaves a positive, safe, relaxed and calm home.
  • Orchid
It is all about Feng Shui again. It says that orchid plant improves the energy in your home and the life of every family member. Its long-lasting flowers come in various shapes and sizes. Their sweet and pleasant smell soothes the mind and improves the mood. Orchids release oxygen at night, so keep a few of these in your bedroom.
Source image:

Clear Mucus from your Lungs


Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Just got a DVD from Peggy Cappy  Easy Yoga for Arthritis .
Very anxious to get started . I hope it will help to gain pain management and give me a sense of calmness. believe me I need it !  I will do it for awhile then come back and chat more about the results.
Have a Great day Everyone.😄

Lemon Peel for Health

Vintage JR Watkins spice rack with Spices and Salt & Pepper Shaker

Buy Here 
 So excited to have found this being a JR Watkins  associate myself . Take a look 😁

And Wow !!! Salt and Pepper shaker to
Buy Here

Oragano Tea Benifits

OraganoTea Recipe

Lung Support

As you may know by reading my posts I have LUNG problems. (COPD).Years of smoking and being
around second hand smoke is the cause of this disease.
I am struggling to quit smoking I have quit in the past but unfortunately started  back up !
I now am back on track and not smoking again.
I realize that the damage cannot be reversed but this does not mean their is no hope we can improve our condition by taking long slow walks, eating well. I have heard that Beet Root is good for the lungs.Staying away from people with colds as it can cause us to get pneumonia ! which can be very dangerous for us. I believe very much in taking Echinacea supplements ! to fight off germs seems to help me with my immune system. Another unpleasant side effect to COPD is Depression and Fatigue.
This can be helped by using LUNG Support Essential Oils 
Also for Congestion , Sore Throats, Mucus relief . This is also very helpful BREATH Essential Oil
I recommend to listen to the videos on the two links I added . 
I hope by telling my story and adding what I do to help my COPD will help you also.

Amope Pedi Perfect

Wow !!! I do not usually do reviews about products I have personally tried but this one I am so impressed I have to .
Got this Amope Pedi Perfect yesterday  as soon as it was fully charged I had to try it I was a little afraid of it at first I thought ouch ! I'll probably go through the hard callus right to my skin well no It worked perfectly! In no time at all my feet were softer then they had been in years .So I most certainly recommend  Amope Pedi Perfect .