
Aaah finally

Who says Friday 13th are unlucky not me ! It rained and finally the buds are out and the forget me nots are in bloom Love Spring !!!

P.S. really need a new easy to use camera !
This was taken with my cell phone .

Crock Pot Recipes

Crock Pot Recipes

Fruits and Vegetables are essential

Hurom juicers
We all know that fruits and vegetables are essential for a long healthy life — but eating the right amount and variety is a hard habit to keep


Eating 560 g of fruit and vegetables per day has been shown to lower the risk of mortality by 42%.

Spring Cleaning

Butter vs.Margarine

This is interesting . .. .
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back.
It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavorings....
DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?

Hip bursitis facts

  • A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between moving tissues of the body.
  • There are two major bursae of the hip.
  • Bursitis, or inflammation of a bursa, is usually not infectious, but the bursa can become infected.
  • Treatment of noninfectious bursitis includes rest, ice, and medications for inflammation and pain. Infectious bursitis (uncommon) is treated with antibiotics, aspiration, and surgery.
  • Bursitis of the hip is the most common cause of hip pain.
  • Trochanteric bursitis frequently causes tenderness of the outer hip.
  • Ischial bursitis can cause dull pain in the upper buttock area. Continue Reading

Canadian Native healing site

Found this site very interesting 


Life dream

I would love to live a whole different life I read about people who are self sufficient  and also know
of some who are . I think they are so brave and I salute them . but I at least will begin to be as self sufficient as I possible , it will be a learning experience but I am looking forward to the challenge

Travailler sur mon blog sera plus que suffisant pour moi d'être heureux

Working on my blog will be more then enough for me to be happy

Can't wait for good weather

Thank You

This is my comfy place thanks to all who drop in from time to time I appreciate it really !

Perennial herbs

LayZeeBee Candles

100% Pure Natural Beeswax


All LayZee Bee Candles are made with 100% beeswax and unlike other traditional candle waxes such as soy or paraffin, our premium quality beeswax candles are pure and 100% natural. Beeswax has an extremely long burn time, highest melting point of all known waxes, and burns clean with no black sooty smoke.

Aromatherapy Oils or commonly known as “Essential Oils”, are the highly concentrated and aromatic essences of natural plants. Aromatherapy oils have a truly therapeutic value globally with many known health, body and mind benefits. At LayZee Bee Candles our premium selection of aromatherapy oils are 100% pure and undiluted essences extracted directly from a wide variety of flowers, leaves, and herbs. 

 Lavender (Population) | #1 Seller   
Chamomile (Nepal)


Waiting impatiently for a response from a Candle company for an affiliation with them . I will add it here soon I hope .

 Here is what they say about Beeswax !
 "100% Natural Beeswax actually produces negative ions. These negative ions are proven to help clean the air you breathe by removing dust, mold, pollen and other potential allergens. Similar to a high quality electrostatic home air filtration system it can also improve the functions of respiratory system and help those with asthma and other similar respiratory illnesses. That's not all, they also increase the ratio of negative ions to positive ions, which is ideal for an increased sense of awareness and mental clarity."

Stevia for quitting Smoking and more !

Stevia, has been researched successfully to help kill the need for nicotine.It has always been known
to be a excellent calorie free sweetener!
Also it claims to kill the need for alcohol.
It also reduces high blood pressure , heals throat infections (inflammations)
 Known to help with chronic fatigue.
Stevia can be easily grown or it can be found in many health food stores in many forms
for info about growing Stevia  LiNK

Want To Quit Smoking?

  These 7 Healthy Foods Detox Nicotine Fast

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for you, but once you start, it’s hard to ever stop. If you still smoke and want to quit, quitting today can have a profound effect on your long-term health!
 Plus, you’ll feel much better in general.
 These natural, healthy foods will help
 kick the nicotine out of your system.

Orange juice.

Orange juice not only hydrates your body, enabling it to effectively remove toxins, it provides necessary vitamins for strengthening the immune system. We recommend freshly squeezed organic oranges with just a bit of water drank between meals.

Spinach and broccoli.

This super strong super green combination is important for the quitting process. They’re both high in folic acid which is crucial to detoxing nicotine. Broccoli is also high in vitamins B5 and C, which are crucial to strong immune health.

Kiwi and lemon.

When you smoke, your ability to absorb vitamins A, C, and E are compromised. Kiwi and lemons are high in all three of these nutrients, which strengthen the immune system and help fight off germs. They’re also crucial for repairing your body after you quit.

Green tea.

Chronic smoking causes the body to lose fluids, and green tea is a great way to replenish those fluids. Additionally, green tea helps rid the body of nicotine and can replace habits. Many people form the habit of drinking coffee or a beer and smoking a cigarette. Instead, try green tea.


Carrots are high in vitamins A, C, K, and B. These vitamins are necessary for detoxing the body and strengthening the immune system. In conjunction with apples and the above listed fruits and vegetables, you have a super powerful, super healthy method of detoxing nicotine under your belt.

We wish you success in your battle to quit smoking. You can do it!

Only 6 days left

Only 6 days left to take advantage of the 20$ gift certificate when you join me with Watkins JR Watkins Join with Deborah Smith Consultant #541260
JOING IS 19.95 (Gift Certficat 20$ ) pretty good deal I would think smile emoticon
No minimum sales required to stay an active member !
If you want to join with me I can honestly tell you that you will have all the help you need. If I cannot answer your questions my sponsor Tamara will help she has been in this business for years and has always been there for me with all my questions . And I can assure you that by joining Watkins you will never ever be pressured to sell or buy if you don't want with Watkins you become your own boss. You and you only know what is the best way to run your business.
Have a great day !
hope to hear from you soon
Deborah Smith JR Watkins consultant #541260

Red and White Wine Glasses

The Difference Between Red and White Wine Glasses


Red wine glasses and White wine glasses differ in shape and size, driven by the types of wine they are intended to hold. Typically Red wine glasses will be a bit taller and have a larger bowl than White wine glasses. In general Reds are bigger and bolder wines so they require a larger glass to allow all those aromas and flavors to emerge. "But do I need both types?" While you can certainly get by with one set of glasses, if you expect to drink a number of different varietals you may find that the glassware is holding back your experience, particularly if you opt to drink Red wine out of a smaller White wine glass. Does that mean you won't enjoy your wine? Most definitely not. While the various shapes and sizes can be overwhelming, a proper varietal-glass pairing can make a tremendous difference.


Tips for building a water garden


Gazing at the spectacular water garden on Diane Nadeau’s sprawling riverside retreat, you’d never guess that it hasn’t always been there. But in fact, it was entirely man-made just 12 years ago. “When I bought the land in 2001, it was a forest,” says Diane of her one-hectare property in the Laurentians in Saint-Colomban, Quebec. “I wanted to be near trees, water and mountains, but most of all, I dreamed of having a water garden.”

After clearing a swath of trees to build her home, Diane – an avid gardener – took her design ideas outside. But long before planning and planting her gardens, building the outdoor fireplace and deciding where her cedar gazebo would go, Diane brought in a pro to create her aquatic sanctuary: Jean Brule, owner of Jardins Aquadesign in Val-Morin, Quebec, trained in horticulture at the Montreal Botanical Garden and, after schooling in Chicago, became the first Certified Aquascape Contractor (CAC) in Quebec. He built this water garden from the ground up. “We did it all. We dug, installed geo-textile cloth and a waterproof membrane. We also put down granite stones and river rocks, the filtration system and an electric pump,” he says.

Herbs and Veggies as Landscape

Why not ? Here are a few examples of landscapes with Herbs and Veggies

Cute home items

Hi all ! I have here brochures with some really cute home items check them out you know Avon doesn't just sell Lipstick loll .
Have a great day

Money savers

Here are a few websites I found that can hopefully help you to save money !
Many of us have been laid off from our jobs or maybe unable to work etc... I am convinced if we are creative we can manage to survive hard times. Also I added a link on how to make extra money ! 

Don't toss your old tea bag out!


Don't toss your old tea bag out! The magic of tea extends beyond making a nice hot cup of heaven before bed. You can soothe a flaming hot sunburn or even grow pretty roses with your tea's leftovers.

Relieve A Sunburn

Black tea has tannic acid which is known to have astringent and soothing properties. A nice cool tea bag can help calm down the heat of a sunburn, which is the first step in the healing process.