
How To Use Himalayan Salts To Improve Air Quality, Remove Headaches, and Sleep Better Tonight

How To Use Himalayan Salts To Improve Air Quality, Remove Headaches, and Sleep Better Tonight

Help our Bees ( Plant Flowers )

Understanding COPD

This is a subject very close to my heart ! and the more I read about it more I understand all it can do to harm your body not only the lungs but the muscles, the nervous system , it can cause extreme fatigue , Depression, anxiety , fear, etc.. but most of all less and less ability do do simple daily tasks.

As you may have understood by my paragraph above ! yes I have COPD , and have quit smoking then started back smoking again and again ( sigh ) but the last few months I have been feeling worst and worst so AGAIN I am quitting , very tired of suffering !

I add post here on this blog about many subjects I do hope that this one will help others to see they are not alone with the battle of quitting smoking it is very hard but if you have COPD you must quit and if you don't yet have COPD  Quit before you do believe me it is very debilitating!!! 
Please leave a comment if you need support it may help you or others I know it will help me.
Excuse any errors I may have made writing this . needed to post this like now  !
Thank You


Weekend plans

This weekend I plan on getting my Etsy and Bonaza Booths in order I have been putting it off long enough! Perfect weekend to do this My BF is working all weekend so I will have the weekend to myself to get this and hopefully more done! Think I will unplug the phone and lock my doors hahaha! no seriously I am looking forward to this weekend .

main coon cats

Just talked to my brother he wants to get me one of these cats Yippy !!!!;_ylt=AwrBTvipbetWcUgAAvTrFAx.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0dWVtbzJiBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjAzMDlfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=maine+coon+cat+pictures&fr=yfp-t-620-s&fr2=piv-web

DIY: Scented Wax Melts

 Another copy and paste  hope it is ok

 DIY: Scented Wax Melts

DIY Scented Wax Melts |
For a while, in my circle of friends, the company that sells tart warmers and scented wax melts was THE THING. Everyone was selling it, buying it and using it. And our houses smelled GREAT.
But as we all shifted to healthier eating habits, we also started questioning what were those yummy smelling melts made of? What was in the air, and what were we breathing in?
While there is no definitive answer to this question, due to the rights the companies have to not disclose the ingredients they put in their products, the general consensus is that they’re most likely made of paraffin wax and scented with artificial fragrances.

What is Wrong With Paraffin Wax?

Paraffin wax is a petroleum by-product. It is created during the process of refining crude oil into gasoline.
When it is heated, it releases the toxins acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene and acrolein into the air, all of which increase your risk for cancer. Burning several paraffin wax candles at a time actually exceeds the Environmental Protection Agency’s standards for indoor pollution. [source]

Dangers of Artificial Fragrances

Fragrance oils can contain various combinations of asamines, ethers, ketones, lactones, terpenes and thiones. They also often contain benzene and aldehydes.
These chemical compounds take their toll on your health. They can cause cancer, birth defects, disorders of the central nervous system, neurological disorders and allergic reactions. [source]

What are the Alternatives?

There is an alternative available that not only isn’t harmful to your health, but actually improves it! Beeswax.
Beeswax emits negative ions when heated and purifies the air. It helps people with asthma, allergies and hay fever by removing contaminants from the air.
You can literally “breathe easier” if you heat beeswax instead of paraffin!
Beeswax also has its own warm, honey-like fragrance. You can add beneficial natural fragrances to beeswax melts with essential oils or food-safe extracts such as vanilla.
Some delicious smelling combinations are:
  • Vanilla Latte: vanilla extract with coffee beans
  • Pumpkin Spice: cinnamon and clove essential oils with whole cloves
  • Lavender Rose: lavender and rose essential oils and dried lavender flowers

DIY: Scented Wax Melts

  1. Place beeswax and coconut oil in a glass bowl or measuring cup inside a saucepan. The saucepan should have enough water in it that the water touches the bottom of your glass double boiler, but doesn’t spill out.
  2. Over medium heat, stir the oil and wax together until they are melted and combined.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in essential oils or extracts.
  4. Pour mixture into molds. (find molds here)
  5. Add inclusions if desired.
  6. When melts are cooled and hardened, break apart and melt as many as you like in a warmer.
For another way to scent your home naturally, look here.
More DIY Recipes from Kelley Baker

my secure spot

Yes here is where I feel the most comfortable   !



Fruit Layered Ice Pops

What better than to cool down on a hot summers day with some fruit ice pops! Below is an easy recipe that takes only a few minutes to whip up :)

- 2 cups kiwi
- 2 cups mango
- 2 cups strawberry

Take each of the above fruits and blend them with a little bit of water (1/4 cup each about), until you have a "fruit paste". Next, take your ice pop moulds and layer each fruit, starting with kiwi, then mango, then strawberry, or in whichever combination you please!

Let the ice pops sit in the freezer for an hour or two and serve!

Green Tea Smoothies

Like to drink smoothies make with green tea and ice cubes and any of your favorite fruit !
Like to drink smoothies ,try adding Green Tea ice cubes  with fruits of your choice.  - See more at:
Like to drink smoothies ,try adding Green Tea ice cubes  with fruits of your choice.  - See more at:
Like to drink smoothies ,try adding Green Tea ice cubes  with fruits of your choice. - See more at:
Like to drink smoothies ,try adding Green Tea ice cubes  with fruits of your choice. - See more at:

Miracle-Working’ Companion Plants That Will Make Your Vegetables Flourish

Are you thinking of planting a garden this year that includes more than just vegetables? Are you wanting to learn new ways to use less pesticides, less room, but gain more produce? One way to accomplish all of this is to plant companion plants around your vegetables. Let’s take a look.
Companion gardening is when you include different species of plants that benefit each other when grown together in your vegetable garden. They can be planted and grown side by side and have many uses. Companion plants are a way to maximize garden area, attract beneficial insects and wildlife, or simply repel pests.
Companion planting does very well in smaller spaces and is a very organic way to introduce variety to the soil. Companion planting eliminates any monoculture that many traditional gardens create. In other words, the plants do the work for you.
Need Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds For Your Spring Garden? The Best Deals Are Right Here!
If you want to add some variety to your garden, and some color, considering trying a few of the companion plants below.
1. Lovage. This tall plant is good to use as a wind-breaker or shade-provider. Vegetable plants tend to increase in flavor and health when planted near lovage. It does well by potatoes, root vegetables and peppers. Lovage can be used as a border plant or in patches.
2. Marigolds. These beautifully bright flowers repel aphids, beetles, potato bugs, squash bugs and nematodes. You can plant marigolds (make sure they have a scent) around any garden vegetable, with a huge list including: tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, peppers, melons and kale.
'Miracle-Working' Companion Plants That Will Make Your Vegetables Flourish
Image source:
3. Okra. Okra offers protection from wind and can also create partial shade during the summer. It works as a border plant when needed. Okra increases the oil in nearby herbs. Okra also offers some protection from aphids. For most benefits, plant okra beside cucumbers, peppers, melons and eggplant.
4. Buckwheat. Plant buckwheat around Brussels sprouts, broccoli and peppers. Buckwheat attracts bees and other pollinators. Once the season is over, Buckwheat is good to crunch up and use as mulch. It also works well as a lovely cover crop.
5. Geraniums. Besides adding color and variety to the vegetable garden, geraniums work to repel pests like spider mites, Japanese beetles and cabbage worms. Geraniums tend to do well near peppers, corn, cabbage, tomatoes and even grape vines. Geraniums last all summer long.
6. Marjoram. This is a low-growing herb. It doesn’t compete for space and is said to improve the flavor of vegetables around it. Marjoram, itself, is full of flavor and is wonderful when it is used in cooking.
7. Nasturtium. Great for repelling aphids, whiteflies, beetles and squash bugs, nasturtium is also beautiful and edible. Yes, that’s right, an edible flower that is sure to impress in summer salads! You can plant them around peppers, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, cabbage and fruit.
Companion Planting Tips
Avoid planting dill with carrots and tomatoes, and avoid putting beans near garlic, onions or chives. Fennel is a little fussy. It needs to be on its own, and away from other vegetables.
This New All-Natural Fertilizer Doubles Garden Production!
Keep track of maturation rates. To keep weeds at bay, plant your vegetables and companion plants so there is continuous blooming. As one plant fades, another will be ready to take over.
It is best to plant taller companion plants by vegetables that enjoy a bit of shade. This way, the companion plants can block the sun for part of the day. Put the vegetables that love sun at the south end of the garden and tall plants at the north end, as this will help let each plant get the sunlight it needs. Herbs often make great companion plants, too, so you can mix them through the garden (remember: no dill near carrots). Chives, onions and garlic are great repellers, too (just don’t put them near beans). Marigolds (especially French) should be planted all over the garden to be the most beneficial to repel pests and attract any beneficial critters.
Here’s another question to keep in mind: Are you planting for insect control, weed control, increased nutrition for the plants, for plant protection or simply because of space? For weed control, any low-growing plants will help. If you are trying to repel insects, remember that most plants with strong smells will do a great job. Marigolds do well for this.
So, take a little time and check out your potential companion plants. By planning your garden with such a variety, you can be sure to have a healthy harvest this year.
What companion plants would you add to the list? Share your advice in the section below:

Table and Chair makeovers

Grow a sweet potato vine plant,

If you want to grow a sweet potato vine plant, all you need to do is to follow the next steps. Is easy and inexpensive to grow, and is a very sweet decorative plant for any home. This solution can pe perfect for a kitchen windowsill. How to make: Take a sweet potato that has several eyes. Stick four or more toothpicks or shortened skewers into the middle of the potato. Suspend the potato in a wide-mouth glass jar resting the toothpicks on the glass rim to support the potato. Fill the jar with
water until it covers some of the eyes on the bottom of the potato. Place the jar in an area with filtered light and watch the roots grow and the eyes sprout. When the plant has developed a good root system and has grown at least three leaves on each sprout, move it to a pot and cover the roots and the potato with soil. Clip the ends of the vines when they reach eight to 10 inches long to encourage a bushier plant. Fertilize the plant on a regular basis and enjoy the beautiful results.

See more at:

Poutine galvaude de Bob le chef

Servings: 2
 Approximately 375 g of penne (or pasta of your choice)

  75 ml of canola oil or vegetable
  2 cloves garlic,
  250 ml beef broth
  1 can of 398 ml peas green
  500 ml shredded turkey
  75 g butter
  500 g grated cheese of your choice
  salt and pepper to taste

 method: in a large pot with boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package directions in a large skillet heated mid-high heat with oil, sweat the garlic with a pinch of salt, stirring until almost translucent Pour the broth and bring to a boil Add the peas and turkey and let it heat mid-high heat about 2 minutes Add the butter gradually and stir constantly until melted times Add pasta, stir, season and pour into a dripping pan Cover with grated cheese and bake in preheated oven at 400ºF about 20 minutes

Found this on Facebook

Chicken Tetrazzini

 found this on facebook

  • 16 oz linguini, cooked
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 4 chicken breasts, cooked, diced
  • 2 cans cream of chicken soup
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • ½ tsp ground pepper
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • 2 TB parmesan cheese
  • 2 cup shredded mozzarella
  1. Cook noodles according to box instructions. Set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine ½ cup butter, cooked chicken, soup, sour cream, salt, pepper and chicken broth. Mix well and then add in cooked noodles.
  3. Spray a 9x13 pan and pour in noodle mixture. Sprinkle cheeses on top. Bake covered with foil for 45 minutes at 300. Remove foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes.

Kick Your Bad Habits With These 4 Psychological Tricks

I hope this is ok  I just need to borrow this post its important to me ! Thank You

Smoking, overeating, nail biting, or wasting away the hours on YouTube; whatever your bad habits may be, there’s a good chance you’ve tried to give them up at one point or another, and perhaps you actually managed to ditch the offending behavior after a few months of exercising some extreme willpower.
But if you tend to find yourself raiding the pantry for chocolate chip cookies just two hours after you solemnly pledged to eat more healthily, you’re not alone.
According to research from the Journal of Clinical Psychology, approximately 54% of people who resolve to change their ways fail to make the transformation last beyond six months, and the average person makes the same resolution 10 times over without success.
So why is it so hard for us to make lasting changes to our behavior or attitudes?
Psychological scientists believe that the key to kicking bad habits lies in understanding our mental patterns and working with the brain rather than fighting against its natural processing system.
So next time you’re trying to turn over a new leaf, give some of these psychology-based tricks a go.
1. Figure out why and when you’re doing it.
There's usually an underlying reason for your bad habits, such as boredom or stress, and if you pay attention, you'll notice that all of your vices are tied to certain situations or routines.
These bad habits generally also reward you with something: smoking rewards you with stress relief, and wasting time on the Internet temporarily rewards you by diverting your attention.
Identifying how your vices are rewarding you, as well as when they occur is the first step to eliminating them from your life entirely.
For instance, you may notice that you drink more alcohol when you’re around certain people, or maybe you tend to overeat when you’re home alone. Knowing what triggers certain behavior can help you to come up with the right strategies for changing these unhealthy patterns.
2. Find a replacement habit.
Research shows that it’s far more effective to replace a bad habit with a better one than to simply cut out the old habit.
Why? Replacing a habit takes less mental effort than completely eliminating it, and believe it or not, willpower is actually a limited resource.
Once you've figured out how your vices are rewarding you, you can establish new habits that will reward you in similar ways, but without the same negative side effects, or at least fewer side effects.
For example, if you need to improve your diet, making an effort to snack on fruit instead of junk food would be a lot easier than not eating anything at all, and replacing your smoking break with another less damaging activity, like eating a small snack, would be more effective than doing nothing at all.
3. Don’t try to suppress your thoughts.
When trying to kick a bad habit, people often attempt to think about everything but that one activity, which of course, causes them to think about nothing but that one activity.
Why? Studies show that when we try to suppress thoughts, they actually come back stronger, because our subconscious doesn’t differentiate between “do” and “don’t” and will inevitably fixate on the one thing we’re trying so hard to ignore.
Psychologists have dubbed this phenomenon “ironic process theory.”
So, for instance, if someone tells you not to think about pink dinosaurs, you will immediately begin to think about pink dinosaurs. If you tell yourself not to think about having a smoke, all you’re going to be able to think about is going for a smoke, and you’ll start seeing the temptation everywhere.
4. Make changes to your routine or environment.
New situations make you more conscious of your behavior and choices, so changing something in your routine or environment, even if it isn’t directly connected to the habit you are trying to break, can make it easier to welcome new habits.
This is why big changes like moving to a new city or ending a relationship are often accompanied by smaller changes, like exercising more frequently or following a new diet.
One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that a new environment can remove the automatic guides for performing certain habits and help people to make new or different decisions about their daily routines.
Even small changes can make a big difference. For example, if you tend to overeat while watching TV, make an effort to sit at the table and turn off the television during meals so that you can be more conscious of your eating habits.
Photo Credit:

20 Mind Blowing Ways To Organize Every Inch Of Your Kitchen

20 Mind Blowing Ways To Organize Every Inch Of Your Kitchen

Ever find yourself digging though piles of pots and pans to find the right sheet tray, or combing though draws upon drawers to find your tablespoon measuring cup? These awesome hacks will have your kitchen and pantry decluttered fast, and will keep your closets and shelving neat and tidy.

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