
May 16, 2016

Social media

I as many many people are on Facebook , but at times I get very annoyed with it all the adds etc...
One platform I do like alot is Google+ . I am adding my profile page please feel free to take a look and I hope to see you join also Please tell me if you do . Thanks Debbie

May 13, 2016

Aaah finally

Who says Friday 13th are unlucky not me ! It rained and finally the buds are out and the forget me nots are in bloom Love Spring !!!

P.S. really need a new easy to use camera !
This was taken with my cell phone .

May 3, 2016

Crock Pot Recipes

Crock Pot Recipes

Fruits and Vegetables are essential

Hurom juicers
We all know that fruits and vegetables are essential for a long healthy life — but eating the right amount and variety is a hard habit to keep


Eating 560 g of fruit and vegetables per day has been shown to lower the risk of mortality by 42%.