
Jan 13, 2015

Benifits of teas

Tea & Health

Tea Properties:
Tea is rich in polyphenols, tannin, and flavanols (often termed  catechins), fluoride, and vitamin C, P, K, and B.   Although tea  contains caffeine, the amounts are far less than those in coffee and  produce a softer, beneficial effect.     Studies suggest that as few as  four servings of tea a day may have a positive impact on your health.    Read on and continue sipping tea for your health and well-being.

Green Tea is an Antioxidant Powerhouse:
Researchers have found that green tea was the best antioxidant scavenger  of deadly free radicals.   Free radicals are very powerful oxidants,  which cause intense cell damage.   When exposed to Oxygen, cell tissues  are vulnerable to free radical attachment, causing an effect much like  that of rust.   Over time, this may lead to cancer or cardiovascular  disease.     The Antioxidants in tea are able to neutralize the damaging  effects of oxygen and free radicals that are present in the body.    Antioxidants slow or prevent cell damage from exposure to oxygen by  creating a barrier around cell tissue.
(University of California,  Berkeley)

Green Tea & Cancer Prevention:
Green Tea has been found to inhibit the growth of esophogeal and stomach  tumors in mice.   Green and black Tea could inhibit the development of  pre-cancerous lesions as well.
(Saitama Cancer Center and the  Department of Biochemistry, Bunri Tokushima University)
A recent  study showed that a compound in black tea called "TF-2" caused  colorectal cancer cells to "commit suicide"; normal cells were  unaffected.
(Rutgers University)

White Tea Health:
Recent studies show that the polyphenols found in green tea appear in  greater concentrations in white tea, helping to destroy bacteria and  other organisms that cause disease.
(Pace University's Dyson  College of Arts & Sciences)

Black Tea Improved Cardiovascular Health and  Reduced Risk of Stroke:
A study undertaken found that, of 340 men and women who had suffered  from heart attacks, those who drank a cup or more of black tea daily had  a 44% lower risk of repeated heart attacks compared to non-tea  drinkers.   Flavonoids are theorized to improve the lining of blood  vessels, accounting for the decrease.
(Brigham and Young, Harvard  Medical School)
Studies show that drinking black tea helps to  prevent narrowed or clogged arteries that lead to ischemic heart  disease, heart attack, or stroke.
(Boston University School of  Medicine; The Zutphen Study, Netherlands)

Reduces "Bad" Cholesterol:
Black tea was shown to reduce LDL-cholesterol ("bad cholesterol") by  11.1% in three weeks.   It was speculated that tea polyphenols might  limit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, thus reducing the  cholesterol levels in the blood.
(U.S. Department of Agriculture) 
In addition to reducing the "bad" cholesterol LDL deposits, tea  elevates HDL, the "good" cholesterol.   Green tea and oolong especially,  could prevent arteriosclerosis.
(The University of California)

Tea Prevents Tooth Decay:
Studies show the tannin and fluoride content present in tea prevents  tooth decay.
(American Dental Institutions) 

Green Tea & Oral Health:
The Flavonoids, mainly catechins, found in green tea have exhibited  inhibitory effects on the growth of cariogenic bacteria by inhibiting  the adherence and growth of plaque at the tooth surface.
(Sakanaka,  et al (1990)

Black Tea & Green Tea Prevents Bad Breath:  
Polyphenols found in both green and black tea can block bacteria from  producing foul-smelling compounds such as hydrogen sulfide in the mouth.
(American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC)

Green Tea Relieves Arthritis::
Green tea was shown to inhibit the development of arthritis in mice.    Mice given green tea polyphenols were significantly less likely to  develop arthritis.   The study was conducted on 36 mice.   Of the 18  mice that received the green tea, only eight (44%) developed arthritis.    Among the 18 mice that did not receive the green tea, all but one, or  94% developed arthritis.  
(Proceedings of the National Academy  of Sciences, CWRU's School of Medicine)

Green Tea Increased Metabolic Rate:
It was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase  in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus, it also had a  significant effect on fat oxidation.
(American Journal of  Clinical Nutrition)

Green Tea Burns Calories:
A  recent study showed that green tea's antioxidant "EGCG" stimulates the  body to burn calories, notably fat.   In the study, a daily dose of 270  mg of EGCG (the amount in 2 to 3 cups of green tea) caused men to burn  4% more energy - about 80 extra calories a day.
(University of  Geneva, Switzerland)

Reduced Risk of Kidney Stones:
In a study of more than 81,000 women 40 to 65 years of age, it was  concluded that 8 fluid ounces of tea consumed daily actually lowers the  risk of developing kidney stones by 8%.
(The Third International  Scientific Symposium on Tea & Human Health)
Furthermore, tea  acts as a diuretic (stimulates the flow of urine), promoting better  kidney function and aids digestion.

Retards the Aging Process:
It has been shown that Green Tea reduces infection and the stresses of  bacteria on the system thus significantly retarding the aging process.
(The Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University of  Shizuoka, Japan)

Immune Booster:
Blood cells from tea drinkers respond 5 times faster to germs than those  of coffee drinkers.
(Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA;  Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA)

Pu-Erh Reduces Cholesterol and Aids in Digestion: 
Pu-Erh has long been drunk for its health properties - namely known to  eliminate cholesterol - and sipped after meals as a digestif.

Holds Promise as HIV Therapy:
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an active ingredient in tea, has  antiviral, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that are now being  reported to inhibit the HIV virus.
(Baylor College of Medicine,  Houston, TX)

The FDA has not approved or verified these  statements.   They are not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or  medical condition.   If you have any questions regarding Tea &  Health, we suggest you ask your Doctor.

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